Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to the PSMGL!

The league is just starting up please join if you interested in playing in the PSMGL

We are looking to have weekly tournaments. Hold 4 day tournaments for each of the Major Events. With the Masters being our League Championship.

I would like to hear ideas on how we can set this up. I would like to have prizes also so we might do league fees so maybe we could play for something on the Majors.

How long should we make our season?

How much would you be willing to play for on the season? Free? $20, $40, $80 $100?

Payout on the League only Championship (Masters)? or payout some on all Majors? Or payout some on all weekly events with the most being at the LC (Masters)

How do we verify that everyone is using the PS Move to play their round? Since using a dual shock is easier?

League play once a week? Or would you be interested in playing another round during the week?

Whats the time frame we setup to play our tournament for that week? Are we all going to want to be online at the same time? Or do we say from Saturday-Sunday you have until midnight to submit your scorecard?

Let's hear those ideas while the PSN is down we can have this setup and ready to go. If anyone else has played in a online Golf League feel free time post up ideas.

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